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Today is Canada Day, which is a holiday. I took a vacation day on Monday, so that made a four day weekend. I managed to spend quite a bit of time working on the project.

Last fall I fitted the covers for the wing tips lights. They fit reasonably nicely, but the surface of the clear covers sat above the fibreglas in some areas.

I covered the edges of the covers with aluminum tape, and spread some West Systems light weight filler. The covers popped off easily enough after the filler cured, but I was careful to not have filler on more than half the lens at any one time. It took a few rounds of fill and sand, but the covers sit nicely flush with the fibreglas.


This afternoon I mixed up some West Systems resin with microfibres and used it to bond the wing tip light assemblies into the cutouts in the tips. I used a bit of motor oil on the ends of the clecoes to keep the fibreglas resin from adhering to them. Tomorrow I'll put a couple of layers of fibreglas cloth on the inside to close the holes then go crazy with the filler.