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I didn't get much done the last few days, as Terry was getting ready to head back to Green bay for 10 days, and I wanted to spend time with her, rather than in the garage. One of her sisters finally got season tickets to the Packers (all the seats in the stadium are held by season ticket holders, and there is a 25 - 30 year waiting list to get tickets). So when she called Terry and said her husband was going on a hunting trip, and she wanted Terry to go to the game with her on Sunday, Terry jumped at the chance.

I've been wrestling with the induction air snorkel for several days now. I've got the holes drilled at the upper end where it attaches to the left baffle floor, but the fit of the lower end to the fuel injection servo has been a trial. The flange of the snorkel didn't extend high enough to allow enough edge distance on the two upper bolts that attach it to the fuel injection servo. So, I waxed up a piece of aluminum sheet, and taped it to the forward side of the flange, then mixed up some resin and microfibres to extend the edge of the flange.

And there was a wedge shaped gap between the flange on the snorkel, and the face of the fuel injection servo. I've gone through two rounds of adding fibreglas material and then sanding it flat, but I still wasn't happy with the fit. So, today I tried something that was a bit creative (or maybe a really, really stupid idea - only time will tell). I put a couple of layers of plastic packing tape over the face of the fuel injection servo, overlapping it well over onto the sides and top of the servo. I sprayed some WD-40 on the servo, and on the bolts that attach the snorkel to the servo. Then I mixed up another batch of fibreglas with microfibres to thicken it, gooped it onto the snorkel flange, and then bolted the thing in position. The extra fibreglas goop oozed out between the flange and the fuel injection servo, but it should leave a perfect fit once it cures. Assuming I can get the snorkel off without having to destroy it with a hammer. I'll have to trim the excess fibreglas off the sides of the flange, but that doesn't have to be a precision job. I'll know late tomorrow how this turned out.

Now I'm going to attack the baffle floor in front of the left cylinders.