Hits: 3152

I was tempted to go with a 6 cylinder 220 hp PZL Franklin engine for my RV-8, but I eventually decided to go with the easier Lycoming installation. I also believed the Lycoming would be lighter. Well, David Brand went with the Franklin, and by paying careful attention to weight, aluminum gear legs, etc, he has a Franklin powered RV-8 that weighs 1110 lb without paint, which is probably less than my plane will weigh.

I just learned that there are photos of David Brand's engine installation posted in the Photos section of the Yahoo RV-8 Group. You'll need to be a member to see the photos. You can select to not get any of the group e-mail messages if you want. If you are already a group member, you should be able to go directly to the photos with this link.

You can also read his comments on the Franklin installation by going into the Messages section of the RV-8 list, doing a "Search Archive" for Franklin, and reading the messages from David Brand.