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Last week I reported that I had problems removing the left fuel tank. Monday I spent an hour cleaning off my basement work bench, and then had Terry help me move the left wing onto it. I had no problem pulling the fuel tank off once the wing was located so I could give it a good tug.

Tuesday I put the left wing back in the wing stand, put the right wing on the work bench, then pulled its fuel tank off. Wednesday I started on the nut plate installation for the holes on the inboard edge of the fuel tanks and the wing where the wing/fuselage fairing attaches.

Thursday I didn't get any work done, as I needed to spend time with Terry before hitting the road again. Friday I left for Wichita, to do my annual Beechcraft C-90A simulator training at Flight Safety. I should arrive back home tomorrow night, and hope to be working on the project again on Tuesday.

Fuel Tanks Flight Test Data Plots 1While in Wichita, in my spare time, I've been working on Perl scripts to plot flight test data. I've written a prototype script that will take a data file from a flight, and plot specific parametres from specific time slices. I've got a bit more work do to before it has all the functionality I want, but the prototype is getting close to what I need. As an example, here is what page 1 of 4 from an engine test point would look like (pdf version). This plot uses data recorded from the engine at OFF in the garage, so all the plots make straight lines. But you get the idea.