It was a quiet week. Both Terry and I are healing well. She has much less pain every week, and is almost completely weaned from any pain medication. Now she just has the occasional Tylenol, as required. I have no pain from the leg or wrist, and the collar bone is now not bothering me at all, as long as I don’t make sudden moves of the left arm.

Terry’s sister Sue left on Tuesday, and her sister Jacqueline arrived on Wednesday for a week. She’ll be followed by sister Mary, who will take care of us until the 29th. After that, we’ll be relying on insurance-funded personal care attendants who drop by in the morning and evening. I should get the cast off my left wrist on the 30th, and hope to become a lot more mobile once my left arm is working again.

I’m still working on several articles for Kitplanes, but didn’t make too much progress this week. I got distracted experimenting with Sage, a very capable, and complex, open source computer mathematics program. Sage acts as a unified front end to a whole host of other open source mathematics, data analysis, data plotting etc programs. I wanted to see whether it might provide a better approach to data analysis than the python scripts I have been using. Sage is python-based, so I can still use my python aerocalc package, plus other experimental ones that will eventually make it into aerocalc. One nice thing about Sage is that you can set up a sage server, and then log in from any computer with web access to analyze data. You can get a taste of what it looks like, but without the interactive user interface, by looking at the Sage worksheets that I published.