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We had a reasonable good week, all in all. I had three flights scheduled at work, but my two attempts to get requalifed in the King Air C90A both foundered due to a shortage of training pilots. I did manage to get current again in the mighty Cessna 182 at least. That flight, on Thursday, went very well. I finally seem to be getting used to my new progressive bifocal glasses, as unlike my only other flight since the accident, on this one I had a pretty good idea how far off the runway I was during the landings.

Yesterday we had the annual Flight Test gathering at a cottage on Calabogie Lake. The weather cooperated, and it was nice to spend time with everyone.

On Friday Terry finally had the MRI of her neck she has been waiting for. We made a copy of the CD with the images on it, and dropped the original off at her neurosurgeon’s office. We learned that he is on vacation until early September, so there is no prospect of a quick move to the next step in this process - drat. Today we played amateur radiologist, comparing the MRI images to the images found on the web. It sure looks to us like she has two or three herniated or bulging disks in her neck, which could explain the pain she has been having in her neck, shoulders and arms. She hopes to get in to see her neurosurgeon shortly after he returns from vacation.

I had an appointment with my family doctor on Friday, and got a prescription for the next grade up of compression stocking. I hope to pick them up sometime this week, and with luck this will allow me to get a bit closer to my normal schedule of activities. I’ve got a followup appointment scheduled with my orthopaedic surgeon on Thursday.

At one point, I had hoped to fly the RV-8 today, but my ankle needed a rest after the busy day yesterday, and the weather wasn’t suitable either. I may head out to the hangar tomorrow evening to hopefully reinstall the turn and bank and do some other maintenance to get the aircraft ready to fly perhaps some evening this week, if the weather cooperates.

I’m going to make yet another attempt to get requalified in the King Air tomorrow afternoon.