Flying Again, Finally
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- Written by Kevin Horton
- Hits: 3693
I’m owed several days of compensatory leave to make up for overtime I’ve worked in the past year, and yesterday was forecast to be unseasonably warm, so I used one of those days. I got the repaired plenum chamber mounting flange reinstalled. I had hoped at one point to also get a flight off yesterday, but it snowed off and on all day, so that was not possible.
Today was forecast to be clear and cold, with very light winds, so I took another day off. The runway is almost 100% ice covered, from the freezing rain we got a couple of weeks ago, so I only dare fly when there is minimal crosswind. They were still clearing yesterday’s snow off the runway when I arrived, so I had to wait until after lunch. The first trick was getting the Mooney that was by the door of the hangar out of the way, which means pulling it out onto the taxiway.
The Mooney is too heavy for me to push it around by hand, so I used the gas powered PowerTow tug that connects to the nose wheel. It usually works very well, but the combination of a bit of crown on the taxiway plus the ice was more than it could handle. All it would do was spin its wheel. James and Floyd spotted my struggle from the club house, and graciously drove down to lend a hand. The three of us pushing were just enough to get the Mooney in and out, so the RV–8 could escape the hangar. Thanks guys!
The delay while the runway was cleared and I fought with the ice meant that the engine had been preheated a lot longer than I anticipated. I failed to appreciate the implications as I attempted a start, and I primed the engine as if it was quite cold. I didn’t fire, so I primed it some more. I realize now that I had almost certainly overprimed it and flooded it, but I didn’t figure this out until I had ran the battery down. Back in the hangar for two hours on the battery charger, then it started right up (with a lot less priming). It was great to finally get flying.
The wind stayed down while I was flying, which was a relief. It slid around a bit during the landing roll, but a quick touch of rudder got the nose pointed back in the right direction again, and I was very happy when it finally rolled to a stop, still on the runway.
Plenum Chamber Support Flange Repair
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- Written by Kevin Horton
- Hits: 3681
We took Porter Airlines to Halifax, NS, then rented a car and drove to Yarmouth, NS for a week over Christmas. It was great to see my parents and sister again.
Just before leaving for Yarmouth, I started the annual inspection on the aircraft, starting ahead of the firewall. I found a cracked flange that supports the plenum chamber top on the right side at the cowl air inlet. The left side had the same failure a couple of years ago. I reinforced that area on the left side when I repaired it, but I didn’t make any changes on the right side, as I couldn’t get good enough access to do the work in situ, and it is a pain to remove the parts. I rolled the dice that the right side would be OK, and I lost that bet.
Yet Another Web Site Host
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- Written by Kevin Horton
- Hits: 3524
The web site has moved to yet another web host, Arvixe. I had been on the same host since the web site was created in 1997, but that host had become unreliable. In retrospect, I didn’t do as much research as I should have before moving to the second host, and that host quickly proved unsuitable. Arvixe seems to be the best host yet - hopefully they’ll stand the test of time.
Winter Has Arrived
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- Written by Kevin Horton
- Hits: 3527
Winter definitely arrived last week, with several days of snow, with roughly 20 cm of total snow fall. I headed out to the hangar Saturday AM to get the snow blower going and clear the snow. I had started it about three weeks ago, to make sure that it had survived its summer of hibernation - that first start was a definite struggle, so I wasn’t sure what to expect this time. I got lucky - it started right up. It took about an hour to blow the snow off the entry to the hangar, chip a few big ice ridges from where the airport snow plow had turned around, and clean up with a shovel.
The ceiling was low when I arrived at the airport, but it had cleared out nicely by the time I was done clearing snow, so I rewarded myself by going flying.
Many of the lakes have frozen over, but the ice is still way too thin for any intrepid ice fishermen to set up camp.
More Stall Speed Testing
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- Written by Kevin Horton
- Hits: 3016
We had a nice sunny day today, so I went flying. Last time I flew, I did some stall speed testing, using an experimental four leg GPS method, and I was puzzled that the results were about 3.5 kt different from the earlier testing I had done using the same method. After thinking about it a bit, I realized that I had possibly done the stalls with the mixture set differently than from the earlier flight, and that this might possibly have resulted in a different idle speed, and a different effect from prop discing drag. I wanted to investigate this today.
Stall Speed Testing
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- Written by Kevin Horton
- Hits: 3027
I had day off on Friday, and took advantage by doing a firewall forward inspection and then a short flight. I finally had weather that allowed me to climb high enough to gather some more stall speed data using a four leg GPS method. The results from this flight is a real puzzle when compared to the previous test a few flights ago.
The two test points (four legs each) looked to be excellent quality, with extremely low standard deviation of the four calculations from each test point (0.2 kt and 0.0 kt for the two test points). The two test points gave similar speeds, with only 0.1 kt difference between the two points.